Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Chapter#1: An Overview of Organ Transplantation

Chapter#1: Topic Introduction

The field of medicine is showing so much progress in every field of theirs and now maximum of the patients are able to be cured. Organ Transplantation is also one of such fields in which continuous research have made it a possible for the doctors and specialist to perform any transplant. Nowadays it is also said that through research it is found that the doctors can create a new organ from the tissues of the patients as well. The whole process of organ transplantation includes getting a donor from any blood relative or from outside market and transplants it in the place of defective organ. But there are many controversies related to this field. A whole black market is developing that do organ trade and the people who are poor give their organs to others for the sake of money. My blog highlights the issue of organ trade in organ transplantation field and many other aspects related to it.

 Organ Trade History

The history of organ trade lies many years back, when the demand of organ transplantation started to rise as compared to the normal demand level. In many countries it was a law that when any person dies, his relatives can donate his organs to the donor panels so that it can be used for any patients in the future. In the past, taking an organ of any living person was considered as illegal in many areas and countries, but as the cases of organ transplantation increased, the laws of many countries allowed the transplantation but only if the donor is of the blood relative. Now due to increase in inflation many people illegally donate their donors for money, and the people who take their organs give them a high sum of money.

Donors of Poor People
 It is a common trend seen in many of the developing countries that several low standard hospitals  are involved in illegal transplantation of donors. It is seen and a common myth of many people living in developing countries that the person who are giving their donor will shorten their span of life so they refused to take organs from their blood relatives and then convince the doctor or any person who is an outside to donate to them . According to a U.S report, the cost is doubled when the organ is taken from an outsider. The researchers believe that following are some reason which makes a poor person to donate their organs;

  • For the sake of money
  • For the sake of helping others
  • To fulfill the needs of their family and many others.

To your interest I found out in my research that the doctors believe that the donor of a poor person is actually not suitable to use n transplantation because of the poor health condition he may have. (Becker, 2006)

BBC. (2007). Experts warn against organ trade .
Becker, G. (2006). Should the Purchase and Sale of Organs for Transplant Surgery be Permitted? .


  1. It is so surprised after read your article, which people who live in poor donor their organs to exchange money. I cannot image when people cut their body and bring the organ it from it without thinking any of health issue. Before I read this, I thought people are got the organ from death people or their relatives in organ translation, but not for selling. This is so shaking me. I want to know more information about it, specially the black market for selling organs.

  2. I agree with you about poor individuals are not suitable for organ transplantation because of the poor condition that they live in. But when you think about it, we can not restrict the poor from donating their organ because we are depriving them from their rights and their ability to perform a greater cause. Also, rich people would definitely not donate since they have some much money and usually they are the one that are purchasing organ even if they don't need one. I saw this news about a tourist traveling to an asian country, and he/she woke up on a bed in a hotel with a bag of money and a scar showing that they have one of their organ(s) taken out without permission. Hearing this sort of behavior just scare me and made me reconsider of traveling to other foreign countries.

  3. The idea of organ transplantation is fascinating, and the fact that it is highly selective and very profitable left it open for the beginning of the black market for organs. I can see why people would be tempted to illegally donate and I can definitely understand why people buy from the organ black market but what is being over looked is safety. I don't think people understand how dangerous it is to donate, especially without the use of proper technique, and the people who receive these organs are also at a much higher risk for poor turnouts.
